Madison, WI
The city of Madison considered a multifaceted transportation program including streetcars,
but in mid-2007 dropped the streetcar component.
Planning was active in late summer 2006. The
long range Transport 2020 study was in the preliminary engineering and
environmental impact stage. Details can be found at, A separate but
integrated study pursuing the streetcar proposal was sponsored by Mayor Dave Cieslewicz
as the Madison Streetcar Study. Their web site was That group was supported by the
local advocacy group Downtown Trolley, Inc and they maintained a web site at
In May, 2003,
Tramways and Urban Transit reported that the plans called for Diesel
Multiple Unit trains running on Wisconsin & Southern Railroad tracks running
east west through the city. As well there would also be a three line streetcar
system of about 15 mile total length which would connect with a number of
commuter rail stations as well as with highways and express buses at southern
termini and would serve the university, a key traffic generator. Though the city
has more modest population (around 450,000) than most cities considering
streetcars or light rail, the density forced by its location on a narrow isthmus
between two lakes gives the area higher density than comparable sized cities.
Recently, the city passed a resolution endorsing the first phase of the overall
plan. Consultants Parsons-Brinckerhoff, Cambridge Systematics, and KF
Engineering have worked with local leaders to develop the plan. A demonstrator
segment in the central area is envisioned as the first phase that would be
The following news notes from
Rail Transit Online followed Madison's planning: